Installing Apartment Ocean on websites recently updated their dashboard and now they use App store to manage different services and widgets. This is the tutorial to install Apartment Ocean on websites.
Step 1: Log in to your Wix dashbard
Got to and click the “Sign In” on top right corner. Then you can log in to the Wix dashborad.
Step 2: Add App in Wix dashboard
Step 3: Search “html” in the App Market
Search “html” in the search bar and we will use the HTML iFrame/Embed app to install our chatbot, then click the Open Editor button.
Step 4: Copy & Paste install code
Click the gear icon and then select Code. Copy and Paste the install code from your Apartment Ocean account ("Chatbot Install" section).
Step 5: Tweak the size of chat widget
You can tweak the size of the frame by dragging the blue border.
Step 6: Find a place you like
The Apartment Ocean widget can be placed at any place on the webpage, wherever you like.
Step 7: Click the Preview / Publish button on top right to see how Apartment Ocean works
That's it! Now sit back and relax, Apartment Ocean is working for you.